Monday, October 22, 2007

Recognise The Choice

Sometimes - maybe most of the time we are unaware of the fact that we have a choice to make. By we I am referring to myself (a twenty year old with a teenage hangover) and to teenagers as well.

Somethings are so bred in society that the choice can no longer be discerned from the mess. We are just gradually and slowly nudged in one direction and are never aware that there was another direction which we could have taken. In short the choice - even to make a choice - is taken away from us. A child is born and the next 60 years of his/her life are already planned. We grow up and we don't even realise that the dreams we are chasing are not even our own. It is perfectly normal to give up your dreams for the greater good or whatever but to not have a choice and to not know that you could have chosen otherwise is criminal.

The problem occurs when right in the middle of your life you realise you don't like what you are doing, when you somehow figure out the grand hoax that you called 'your dream'. Suddenly you have to make choices and then it crashes down on you with stupendous force that your life has flown by and you weren't even given a chance to try and steer its course.

There is this fixed path to happiness and success and despite loads of evidence to the contrary, we are unwilling to afford ourselves the luxury to choose or at least recognise that there is supposed to be a choice here!

And its not only about success. Its about learning to make a choice. however, we are exposed to the world of choices too late. We are thrown in at the deep end and we don't even know what water is - much less how to swim and save ourselves.

At the end all of this fades when compared to the longing:
"I wish I knew that I had a choice!"

You yearn to make a wrong choice and learn from it but ALAS! When you finally realise that you have a choice - you don't really have one.


salman latif said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abdul said...

Whoever commented and deleted it later is urged to comment again. As you might have noticed I have no comments so I would have loved to read what you had to say.

salman latif said...

First about the comment I made earlier.I did comment but I saw I was signed in on my blogger accoun , and it led to the blog I have so long abandoned.I deleted it n tried loggin outta dat account and sign in wid non-blogger name bt ur blog won't accept it den.So I guess I left it.

Bt now am gonna repost it. :)
I agree with you on what you've written.It's indeed so that when we have to make a choice, we don't even know all of the alternatives and when the time to make the choice is over and there's no turning back , we come to know of the several many choices that could have been . But by then , we no longer can avail those alternate choices.