Saturday, May 10, 2008

Question Answer

Answers! The search for them. Confusion, because you are searching for answers to questions that you cant quite grasp. You cannot put the question in words and the combined effect of neither knowing the question nor finding the answer is devastating.

You sometimes wonder if you are chasing shadows and whether there exists such a question to which you are trying to find an answer. But there is a belief in you that the question exists and that when you find the answer you will somehow know that your search is over and you will be able to grasp the question.

So one has to wonder if the search is for the question or the answer. The search for the answer can be explained by the curious nature of man but what if we are indeed looking for the question. Why would we need a question?

My understanding is that answers tend to oversimplify things. Questions however are much more profound. They carry a wealth of wisdom inside them. Maybe that is why we need the ultimate question; a question that encompasses in itself the length and breadth of wisdom.

It is often said that to get the right answer, you need to ask the correct question. Maybe this search is for the correct question. Of course an answer will lead us to that question but the question itself would lead to many more answers. The question would be so complete that it would solve all our problems and fill in all the empty spaces; shed light on all the dark spots and remove all ambiguity. All mysteries will be solved; all curtains lifted.

So what happens until we find the question or the answer? There is this deep dissatisfaction. Again, you can’t quite put your finger on it but you feel it floating around in your subconscious – just – out of reach. There is an emptiness that you need to fill and this need drives you into the mad search.

My problem is different, I found the answer. It did not lead me to the question but it did fill the emptiness. Bu then I went in search of something more and in this search I lost the answer. Not the answer itself, I had the words with me but the meaning was lost. I wandered the depths of despair, I scaled the heights of ecstasy but that empty feeling did not leave me but for a few moments. So I did return to the original answer – eventually.

What is the answer? Unfortunately it’s not a set of words that combine together to give meaning but a feeling, a realization and a belief. And this realization is the culmination of a journey; a journey you must undertake yourself!


Ahmed Belal Hashmi said...

although some might dub this redundant, i'd say it really is something that stays there at one's heart, no matter what you do to shake it away. nice piece of writing, enjoyed it a lot, my kinda "brain food" =D

Ahmed Belal Hashmi said...

check out my blog too, i think it's listed in my profile, hopefully, cuz i've never checked it myself :D but it does make sense, dunnit?