Monday, April 9, 2012


It is such a weird race, we lose ourselves in it only to realize that we were dancing amongst smoke and mirrors, we were celebrating insignificance – it is life! Better men have tried to capture its fleeting nature and its flimsy promises, I am just writing because I feel like it.

We have even tried to master it, to bend it to our will but the best of us have failed. Some of our fantasies revolve around making it last longer but invariably these fantasies also include warnings about the monotony of having no end. I have no real thoughts on the matter to be honest; its finite – deal with it.

But how do you deal with life? It is so peculiar, so intriguing and so frivolous. Just when you feel you have something concrete – whoosh – it is gone leaving you wondering. Did I ever truly get hold of it? Was it a mirage? The speed at which it moves does not really leave room for a detailed inspection. Things, events and people gain and lose meaning at an alarming rate. Dreams fade, reappear and become pointless in the space of a few breaths. Ambitions are lost in small fleeting moments.

You never really get used to it, it always feels like there is a little more time until there isn’t and you have reached the full stop of the last paragraph of your life. There is no more writing after that. Speaking of writing you can never rewrite stuff. It is all one way traffic leading to the same conclusion albeit from different paths. To be frank you hardly ever read it either because even when science says the end is near we keep searching for that one last step.

Life also offers you a plethora of perspectives and it is alarming when you start to witness and feel things that you swore you would never accept or acknowledge. I guess it is one of the many ways in which life tries to humble you and warn you. Things change and if you are not holding on to something tightly or if your choice of support is not strong enough then there is no telling where you will end up when the winds let up for a bit and if you don’t pay heed to the warning and improve your choices then each successive punch will be worse than the last until you have no more strength to fight or to stand even.

Life can be subtle, it can be brutal – it can delight you, it can destroy you. It will offer you hope then snatch it. It will almost kill you but then leave you with that faint ray of light. Life can indulge you and it can be cruel but ultimately life will always end and that is the only important thing in my opinion. To stand a chance against life, to be able to take it all on the chin and still grin, to ride the vagaries of its mood you must always keep one thing in sight, The End.

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