Sunday, May 12, 2013

Naya Pakistan

Today is 12th May 2013. Pakistan voted yesterday but more importantly Pakistan cared yesterday. I am now 26 years old and I have seen an Army dictator, a PPP government corrupt, beyond belief and Allah willing I am about to witness a PML N government with a pretty heavy mandate. I am not a very political person and I do not like debates. I did not post a single political message on my Facebook before today. I did not comment on or like a single political message on Facebook before today. I did go to vote and have been debating whether to write this since this morning.

I was undecided who to vote for even till the morning of the elections. I was oscillating between PTI and PML N. I do not wish to go into the reasons but lets just say I am not an inherently ‘jazbati’ person and I do not expect angels out of politicians and I respect the right of people to change their views over time, mature and learn from their mistakes. I do not see things in black and white and I like personal experience to dictate my choices whatever that may entail.

So to sum up my political views; I do not like Pervaiz Musharraf but I do not hate the man either. Compare him to the last PPP government and he starts to look pretty decent. However, the way he came into power was simply unacceptable and if he is hanged to make an example out of him I will not be too sad. I hate PPP and I hope they are completely wiped out of the country. As you can see a pretty balanced set of values I have there.

By now you are curious whom I voted for. I stumped for the BAT. Not because I was swept away by the tsunami but because Hamid Khan the PTI candidate is a much more decent man than Saad Rafique. But my choice was only slightly tilted towards PTI because I was genuinely afraid that voting for PTI would cause a clean split between the 3 parties and PPP will somehow maneuver itself back into the government. Boy was I glad that I voted for PTI because what happened next was just sickening.

Lets start at the beginning. I went to vote around 9:30 with my younger brother who was all giddy at the thought of change and Naya Pakistan and who was going to vote for the first time. We had no problem voting and were in and out in the sum total of 15 minutes and that too because he was very careful with his stamp and gave it a good minute and a half to dry so that it would not smudge and make his vote void. Five people from my house voted for PTI and my personal (eye-witness) experience was that at my polling station PTI was winning 80-20. I went to the polling station again around 12 with my friend and we found out that (visibly) PTI supporters were having issues entering the polling station. We stayed for 15 minutes and it was clear that something weird was happening because a lot of unhappy people were outside and PTI workers were trying to sort something out. One conversation I overheard myself from a PTI worker on the phone was “Sir kuch karein, Families vote dalay beghair wapis ja rahi hain” meaning “Sir, Please do something. Families are going back without casting their votes.” Another bystander narrated his story to my friend and me personally that he had been shuttling between two polling stations all morning and still been unable to cast his vote despite the official ECP message saying his vote was registered at my polling station. Anyways we left there and went to Z block defense just to experience the atmosphere somewhere else. Again the over riding feeling was that PTI supporters were outnumbering others about 70-30. Keep in mind that the supporters not visibly PTI could also be voting for PTI.

I went for asr prayers to my Mosque at 5:15 p.m. The Mosque is right opposite the polling station (Al-Munir Education Center). I came out around 5:30 p.m. and there was a huge commotion because despite repeated requests from the public the polling station had been closed. I knew from the news at home that polling time had been extended to 6 p.m. across Pakistan. While I stood there PTI supporters came with police officers and the gate was opened. I was still standing there when PML N supporters came with Muhafiz force and the polling station was tried to close again. I left and did not witness what happened next but I should venture that at least 30 minutes were wasted during all of this and a number of people left without voting.

Later at home news started coming in that Saad Rafique was involved in a huge incident at another polling station (S Block). That is the point where I felt relieved because I would have been gutted had I voted for a man with such behavior. I am certain that there was extreme rigging in NA 125 because I witnessed it personally. I do not wish to comment on others but here it is true. What really set by blood boiling was Saad Rafique on live television calm and serene denying everything with a face so straight you wouldn’t believe. I hope he is disqualified and he never runs in an election again but his confidence on live TV was tantamount to taunting as if he was saying. “Here I am. What can you do?”

I should add here that all of PML N is not Saad Rafique and to judge them on a single persons behavior would be unwise but I am not a supporter any more. The only way they get their respect back from me is if Saad Rafique and anyone else who is found to be involved with rigging is thrown out of the party. I can already hear the Jiyalas saying all of PML N would be thrown out that way but I have to respectfully disagree. A few sane PTI followers have pointed out that PTI did not expect to win from Sialkot, Gujranwala etc which means, that PML N still enjoys a heavy public mandate. Lets say they rigged 10 seats and all of them go to PTI. Doesn’t really change anything to be honest. In fact I’d rather that PML N has no excuses come next elections because like I said I am not a tsunami believer but I did see PPP completely disowned even by the jiayalas after their 5 year performance so there is hope and a lot of it. This is national politics; it cannot proceed at the speed of a 20-20 match.

For an hour or so I did lose hope. People like Saad Rafique can get away with anything? Is this the country we live in? But there is a protest going on in Defense, Lahore as we speak. The youth of this country is alive now. The only thing I wish to emphasize is that the revolution has started and if we stay the course a new Pakistan will emerge but if the dirty politicians outlast us and we go back to our online gaming and facebook then we have no one but ourselves to blame.

And the change should not be limited to politics and dancing on streets and blaring loud songs out of the back of your car. If you still cheat in your next exam then you do not believe in the Naya Pakistan. If you still violate the traffic signals then you do not believe in the Naya Pakistan. If you abuse Punjabis because they did not vote for PTI then you do not believe in the Naya Pakistan. Imran Khan has given us hope and given us a vision. That vision should not be limited to the corridors of politics and our speeches. That vision should have a physical manifestation in our lives because we are the next generation and if we stay the course and really believe in change then the corrupt polling officer will retire and the corrupt politician will pass on but we will still be here and we will make it happen.

So stop the judgment and the abuse and stop believing that anyone who did not vote for PTI is not smart enough. I know reasonable and well-educated people who voted for PML N. I almost voted for PML N. KPK voted for PTI so lets just burn the education argument right there. But like I said I tend to learn from my own experiences and so do other people. Let us see what PML N brings to the table and let us genuinely pray that they take the country in a positive direction. After PPP I do not think that is a very difficult task. It’s not all black and white. Change is already here because they were scared and they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if they mess this up we have an alternative ready to take over.

PTI is the second most popular party in the country. It is a truly national party and it went toe to toe with MQM in Karachi. I must admit that was one of my major differences with Khan that he did not say anything to MQM but actions, speak louder than words. I do not believe that PTI is perfect and anyone who does will eventually be disappointed but I do believe that they now offer the best future to our country.

Imran Khan is not going anywhere and lets make sure that neither are we. Lets not sling mud and wallow. Lets start campaigning from today so that the next time elections come around we have that many more votes. I for my part will tell anyone who would listen that Saad Rafique is a thug and a low life and I am proud that I did not vote for him.

And yes if I suddenly disappear then it was still MQM :D


Anonymous said...

Good writing. One point, If a person is caught doing rigging in City where media is more, people are more aware, What would be happening in villages? :) so just imagine how many seats N has won by actual vote and how many by doing different types of rigging. Thanks

Unknown said...


Ahmad Bilal said...

Boy ye chk karo,

Election Commission Official Website
Link :

In Lahore, Ayaz Sadiq got 93362, and IK got only 49 votes. Can any body believe this ???

Unknown said...

Special salute for the person who has written this all ? I was appointed at z block and the redult were 80-30 between hamid khan and saad rafique

Salu said...

Anonymous said...

I probably disagree with everything here. :P But still, Sufi jigar, you must go deeper into questioning your anger about PPPP. What stems it? Does it stem from their performance, or something else? Equating Mush and PPPP is fundamentally wrong, one is an usurper, a traitor, second is a political party that didn't performed according to the metrics you and I had kept to judge it. Baqi, I am glad you are talking politics. Cool, level headed discussion, with a lot of gray is always helpful.

Abdul said...

Bengali Jigr app Anonymous posting kyun kertay ho. Khul k baat karo :D

Umer said...

I'm waiting for all the PTI kids to start hating politics once again with their "oh I hate politics and politicians" thing. But I hope I'm wrong and they continue to contribute towards the democratic process, which is far more than just going out on the election day and voting (and expecting a clean-sweep to be their right just because they voted), and play the role of a true civil society.

As for NA-125, of course Hamid Khan won from the polling stations in Defense, Cantt and Sadar - as Saad Rafique himself confessed - with a massive majority but unfortunately PTI failed to appeal to the sentiments of the people living outside of the posh areas, and that is where the actual vote comes from, and that is where Saad Rafique made the actual difference. Apparently no observer, including national as well as international observers, pointed toward any rigging in NA-125 which was under increased scrutiny compared to most other areas.

Finally, I appreciate your concern for the democratic process and I honestly hope that the rest of the PTI fans (I voted for PTI, btw) try to understand the actual nature of democracy rather than fishing for a sudden revolution, which has no place in today's world.

Anonymous said...

Braaather, a time will come when you will try to hide your footprints over the web, but you won't be able to. :P

Anonymous said...

The only way they get their respect back from me is if Saad Rafique and anyone else who is found to be involved with rigging is thrown out of the party.

mate they don't need their respect just your money lol

and yes give me the names of those brainy people who voted for PML N? send your replies to